Tuesday, November 30, 2004


By this time tomorrow I should know what the out come of my defense is. It freaks me out (just a bit). I think the presentation should go ok - as long as I don't let myself get too nervous and freak out and forget what I am supposed to say and talk too fast. The part after that is what is nerve racking to me. Over an hour of questioning by my professors - people I am depending on to give good recommendations for when I look for a job. I feel like I should be cramming my head full of immunology terms and concepts but I don't think that would do any good. I do know my project well it's just other areas I am scared about.

So everyone tomorrow from 6-8 or 9 at the latest please pray that my brain works and that God will help me through this process without too much mental break down. I will appreciate every little prayer. :)

Friday, November 12, 2004

Two in a row

Yeah I am working on my presentation just wanted to be annoyed for a min...

Briget Jones movie opened across the US today, BUT not in WW NOOOOO. I made plans with friends to go see it but now I can't because stupid theatre here in town is not showing it till next week. Grand Cinemas my patootie, nothing grand about it... well not true still a nice (albeit expensive-ish theatre). BRING BACK the cheap seats. Ok... so no diary movie for me not for a while at least maybe its a good thing - can concentrate on my presentation which again I need to go work on now.

All done ranting.....

The end is in sight and it's kinda scary

All the copies of my thesis have been delivered to appropriate committee members. Now all I have to do is work on my presentation. Yeah - that's ALL I have to do (it is a bit of work though). It is scary to think I am almost done, but the defense process is more scary than the thought of being done and not knowing exactly what is next.

Every defense committee (at least for biology at this college) has an outside observer of the defense process - the line they sign on when it's all said and done says "Observer of the Process - Graduate Representative" - very technical title - :). I asked (well chose and my Major Professor was the one who's job it was to ask) a professor from the History dept. to be my outside person. I only had him for one class but he is a good teacher, cool guy,and smart and I also know he has some background/interest in biology from conversation during oral exam of the class I had from him. When I dropped off the his copy he was genuinely appreciative that I wanted him on my committee - that was just cool to me. I was happy that he accepted.

so now time to work on my presentation. :P

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

Jones Soda

After logging off of my hotmail account I was looking at msn and saw the title for an article "Mashed potatoes & turkey in a bottle." I clicked on it out of curiosity and found it to be about Jones Soda. Evidently they have holiday flavors of soda (for the second year). I didn't know they had it before, but more interesting than that is what the flavors are. One which isn't surprising is Cranberry, but the others um yeah.... Turkey & Gravy, Mashed Potato & Butter, Green Bean Casserole, and Fruitcake (the last of which doesn't sound near as bad as the 'food' type items). I kinda find it disturbing but funny. These come in packages and there is a limited edition, I wonder how many people will actually taste them.

Monday, November 08, 2004

Ding, ding, ding, ding, ding, we have a winner.

Congratulations to Jen. There were quite a few more errors than 42 but no one guessed higher than her so she is now officially the winner and no more guesses will be accepted. There were approximately 66 corrections. As far as what Jen has won it has still yet to be determined. Any (inexpensive) suggestions?

Most of the errors were trivial a lot of commas and such. So things are still on track with getting done soon. My professor wants to look over it one more time then will hand copies to my committee members and will go from there.

Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Even closer

My major professor now has a hard copy of my thesis. I am wondering how much she will find wrong with it. I know there is at least one thing - I forgot to write out the reference for one book. Other than that who knows... So any one want to venture a guess? Whoever guesses correctly (closest guess - if two guess with in the same # from the correct # I will draw a name or play rock, paper, scissors with someone to decide.) So, guess the number of corrections I will have to make when I get my thesis back and maybe you will win something (yet to be determined). (Amendment: I have a total of 35 pages this includes title page and abstract although abstract is not going to add because it is being edited separately this time. Total # of text ~17.5 plus 2.5 of protocol/appendix...

So now that my professor has my thesis to look over she said I can start on my power point presentation. Reading that made me get that nervous feeling in my stomach. I am not looking forward to being up in front of a lot of people talking about what I did although that isn't as scary as what will happen after that. 2-3 hours of questions from my committee AH! Scary VERY scary. Need to not think about that now though. Just get presentation down and go from there.