Thursday, May 19, 2005

Job hunting in WA

I have been applying all over via the internet to places around Seattle. I actually got an email today from one I had applied for. Evidently my contact phone # was not accurate and the person couldn't get a hold of me, so they wrote me an email. I am planning on calling the person tomorrow (by their first name I'm not sure if they are a male or female).

I am beginning to relent to the fact I will have to commute to where ever I work. Especially if I room with my friend here. Then today on the radio I heard about the bad effects of spending a lot of time commuting and getting stuck in traffic. I can at least use the information to compromise getting an apartment half way between our places of work.

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Walla Walla

I am currently in Walla Walla at Starbucks. Yippie for free wireless! Although it means that it is pretty packed with studying people we were fortunate enough to get a couple of tables. (I am here with my friend Caren - who I am staying with.) She is working on her proposal for her Masters work - her research is continuing the research I did for mine. I am excited and hope it works out not just for her benefit but also I will then know my hybridomas were good.

Yesterday I went to Rooks Park with a bunch of friends and played volley ball with some other people there at the park. Was lots of fun - I miss being around lots of people and being able to do things like that. I will have to make new friends where ever I end up - so I can play with them :). I Know lots of places that have nights where people can go play volley ball - I'm not that great but would be fun to find a fun team to play on (rather than one were people want to win).

I'm in WW till Thur. then headed to Seattle. Then I am going to find a job. I'm determined. :)