Thursday, June 23, 2005

I am a guest

I have a guest room here at PNNL. Just being here makes me want to stay. The room is nice - just like a hotel room - a nice one with a kitchenette. I even have a complementary breakfast which I am excited about - I already ate the bagel, I don't think I will be hungry enought to eat it tomorrow allong with the oatmeal and apple juice. Other nice thing is that there is even an ironing board and iron. The bathroom is nice too has a tub. I could live in this room. Especially since it has internet and a tv and vcr. I looked at all the info for people who stay here longer than one night - they have videos you can check out at the office and there is an exercise room (you have to sign a waver and get codes and since I got here after office hours no good to me...). This would be a cool place to live especially if they kept replensishing my breakfast :). Ok I know it is a guest room but still...

So I will update after my interview but not sure how quickly. I have to check out of my room before my interview and am not sure when I will get internet access. Thank you all for your prayers. :).

Tuesday, June 21, 2005


So egg counting is going well. The head lab guy made a comment to me the other day that I didn’t need another job I could just stay there. Was a nice thought at first, I don’t think I could do this permanently. As it is my eyes are getting tired. I have been taking more breaks during the day rather than just be there 8 straight hours using my two 15 minute breaks as lunch. If I was to count eggs half the time I might be able to last longer, but still longing for a research assistant position. Speaking of which my interview at PNNL is this Friday from 8:15 – 1pm (the last hour is lunch). Any and every one – please give me some advise – this is the biggest interview I will have gone through. I am leaving here on Thursday and staying in their guest facilities that night so I will get to be alone with my thoughts – yippie. I would appreciate all of your prayers, I know I will be praying :). Maybe this is the position God had in mind for me all along or maybe it is the one I am in now – I just pray His way is clear so I don’t mess it up.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Four days down

I am enjoying working. It is a lot of microscope work but I they have me label test tubes and cups and fill out paper work to give me a break from it once in a while. The two things I've been counting are eggs - one is for bivalves - such as mussels, the other are sea urchin eggs. They are testing water quality for different places and such and use these as indicators of pollutants. From what I learned today in there weekly meeting that I was invited to - these are typical species they use in tests like this. I haven't looked online at all to see how common... All the people that are there are really nice so that makes the job even better. The only bad thing so far is that yesterday there was a car accident between here and there (the trip is just about 10 miles) on the freeway just before I was to get of the one I was on and onto I5. Well I got to work 40 minutes late. I was not happy. I am glad I had my cell phone - was able to call the temp place and they called in for me, so no one was upset when I got to work that late. Traffic is evil. :)

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Temp Job

I was considering putting off posting anything till after my first day at work but I want to remember how happy I am right now - if the job turns out to suck I may need to come back to this.

So anyway. I have a temp job at a bio-testing place in Tacoma - not sure I should post the name of the place although how many people read this? I don't know much about what I will be doing. I was told I will be using a microscope and that I will be counting larva. I honestly can not imagine looking in a microscope for 8 hours. My eyes can get tired after looking for 2 hours... FOCUS on excitedness. I will be useful and I will earn money!

I just learned an interesting tidbit from my mother. My grandfather used to count wireworms in sugar beets for 50¢ an hour when he was at WW. (Related [barely]- I just learned that I don't have a cents symbol on my keyboard...) I have no clue what wireworms are or why he counted them but still interesting, I will be doing something similar to what my grandfather did - fortunately my pay will be a lot more.