Temp Job
I was considering putting off posting anything till after my first day at work but I want to remember how happy I am right now - if the job turns out to suck I may need to come back to this.
So anyway. I have a temp job at a bio-testing place in Tacoma - not sure I should post the name of the place although how many people read this? I don't know much about what I will be doing. I was told I will be using a microscope and that I will be counting larva. I honestly can not imagine looking in a microscope for 8 hours. My eyes can get tired after looking for 2 hours... FOCUS on excitedness. I will be useful and I will earn money!
I just learned an interesting tidbit from my mother. My grandfather used to count wireworms in sugar beets for 50¢ an hour when he was at WW. (Related [barely]- I just learned that I don't have a cents symbol on my keyboard...) I have no clue what wireworms are or why he counted them but still interesting, I will be doing something similar to what my grandfather did - fortunately my pay will be a lot more.
harrah for a job, even if it is temporary. =). being useful is good and it is a good thing that they are paying more than 50 ¢. it is amazing that people were counting weird stuff back in the day and we still are counting weird stuff. [i noticed the cents thing a couple years back and find it distressing, but at least the dollar is there so you can make do with $.05 and the euro people can't even do that.]
compliments of Kevin: try alt + 155 (on numbers pad). you get ¢ :)
you have to keep us up to date on exactly how long a temp worker can be expected to stick a perfectly good eye down a microscope hole. maybe you can get a used ccd camera off of ebay for 35$ (or an old webcam?) hook it up to the microscope. take a picture and count while your outside reading a book. at least out there you'll have good light to see what your doing.
Nice idea about the camera but you can't see the whole vial - would be cool to have it hooked up to a monitor but that would be a bit expensive I think. The reason I have the job is pretty much because people don't want to do the job - that and it's easy to set aside unlike the other things going on in the lab
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