Because Palegreenhorse did
My birthday was yesterday. I went out to eat for lunch but no singing there. I had two of my friends sing VERY loudly and off key (very bad sounds). This caught the attention of at least three others who then came and wished me happy birthday. In return for the bad singing and embarrassment I got a card for Starbucks :). MMMM free coffee.
I guess I did get have people sing to me at a restraint - on Friday. My roommate type person and her parents took me out to eat. (Compare that to the title mentions persons story, weird? ah... will ignore that.) It was a Mexican restaurant singing wasn't much better than my friends but they tried. I also got to wear a sombrero and have my picture taken. Lucky me, but what makes up for this all - free food (from the parents) AND free dessert - deep fried ice cream (from the restaurant). All in all not a bad deal. At least it wasn't like last year at Red Robin when they made me stand on the chair to get my sundae. Thats just cheap entertainment for everyone else...