Friday, October 22, 2004

Thesis, candy, and oops better get busy

When I write I have the innate ability to say things using very few words (although this tends to be limited to scholarly writing, things like this I can go on for lines and lines and not really notice although its not apparent yet :)). This has not been beneficial in adding to the length of my thesis. The other thing that doesn't help is my Professor telling me that one section doesn't need to be there but I should be ready to explain it when I do my defense. Yippie! At least it isn't anything that is too complicated. I have a bad feeling that the next time my professor revises my results/discussion section she will say it needs to be longer :P that does not make me happy, but will have to wait and see.

The candy jar is not empty yet. It is still over half full. I was feeling crappy earlier this week so I wasn't eating any but am feeling better so have been snacking this morning, kept saying when I got a purple one I wouldn't eat anymore. I got two but then just ate another one. Bad. I will not eat anymore or I will get sick.

My Professor is on my msn chat, came in handy this summer when she was in WW and I at Rosario. She just signed on and yesterday she was here in the department so am wondering if she is down the hall... hope she doesn't stop by I need to look busy ;). No I am getting stuff done this was just a little distraction.


Blogger Unknown said...

will power to stop eating candy...i think one of the highest forms of self-discipline. i have not made it to that level. nor have i made it to the level of actually writing my dissertation and getting feedback on it.
mmmm that candy sounds really good, but i am stuck "watching" the computer lab 'till 1 pm!

12:11 PM  
Blogger k2h said...

so its just the purple ones that make you sick? then don't eat the purple ones.

as for the reason you can't seem to put out many words in the thesis.. I Have an idea as to why: they tell us to be CONCISE, and then in the next sentance they tell us to explain what we mean. talk about an oxymoron.. and I do emphasis the MORON.

10:33 PM  
Blogger KAN said...

mmm candy...

You make me laugh. It is interesting though how some people just down the candy (not saying you do!). There's a lady at my work who is just around the corner from me, and she has a candy stash in a cupboard. I hear other office people going over there all the time (even at 8:30am!) and searching through the candy jar to find something. Then they come back later, and after lunch, and in the middle of the afternoon, and before they leave for home.

I admit, I too have visited the candy jar at times. Sometimes it just seems to call out "come eat my candy!". But sometimes, it seems that some people just can't quit.

1:58 PM  

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