Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Job hunting

I currently have two possible leads for a job. One in Portland the other in Loma Linda. I've had more communication with the researcher in Portland but am not getting my hopes up because the job was just posted on Monday and today is Tuesday. I was asked what salary I would expect and gave a reply - it was acceptable now I'm wondering if I should have said I wanted more. Well with all this thinking of jobs I have been looking online at apartments. I am getting anxious and should probably just be patient and not worry about anything till I actually get offered a job or at least till I have an official interview.

Looking at apartments it is apparent that having a roommate would be much cheaper. But I'm not sure I really want to deal with the fun things that come up - I have found I get really protective and anal when it comes to people using my kitchen type things... I don't know if this is a new type thing or if I just didn't have anything to be protective of before but yeah... The major downfall of not having a roommate besides money is that it can be lonely being by yourself. Maybe I should get a pet - a cat or a bird - dogs require one to take them outside or have a yard not up for that much activity or paying that much rent. One type of pet I have had previously but now would not consider is a rodent... due to my masters research. I wonder if you have to pay a deposit for a bird... that might be a good option.


Blogger KAN said...

I bet for any kind of pet - bird, snake, tarantula (creepies!), you have to have some sort of deposit. Unless you sneak it in, but that's not really right :)

Hooray for you w/ two job leads!

As for cheaper housing, I'd seriously try to find an older church couple or single and/or older lady that maybe has extra space or a side apartment that maybe you could rent, at least until you collected more money to get into a different place... It would be cheaper, provide some company, and who knows, you may end up meeting your future spouse that way! (As in the case of our friend John H.).

10:13 AM  
Blogger forkev said...

the 6 weeks from interview to chopping block (job) for me were LONG LONG LONG.
don't loose sight. you'll make it.

as far as birds, get one of those grey/mcaw whatever parrots that live for 80 years. you can teach it to warn your roomate not to use your kitchen utincils.

10:41 AM  
Blogger forkev said...

uhh, this is off topic, but what about a nerdytales link?
do you you not love the nerd group?

10:41 AM  

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