Rain can be evil
Yesterday evening it started to pour here. Well then today I learned that a car out in the pouring rain can cause it not to want to start. It would turn over and almost wanted to catch but wouldn't quite make it. So I gave up and went back in the house. Luckily my dad came home about 1/2 hour later and got it to start. Said it was probably just too wet from the rain. Did anyone know rain could do that? Wonder if it would with all cars or my car is just special enough that that can happen.
I feel like I am getting old. I strained a muscle or tendon or something in my neck just by bending over the 'right' way with a towel on my head. Unfortunately this was the morning before driving back to GP. I am just now getting back to normal can still feel a bit of pain when I turn my head. At Thanksgiving my dad had a pulled tendon in his lower back but at least his was initiated by lifting weights. Ah oh well.
Oh on the way back to GP we stopped at a little gas station/gift shop about twenty minutes outside of burns because I had to pee. My dad went in and looked around the gift shop place he called me over after I came out of the bathroom and showed me a cool coffee table. Well it wouldn't be a very functional coffee table but it was cool. It was a wood triangle and on top was a triangle cut rock probably 6 inches deep and in it were three fossil snail type shells and I think two spike type shells (I think they were shells) also. The rock was kinda rough but the shells were polished and really pretty would be cool to have but I don't think I'd want it... especially if it meant paying for it - they had a small single trilobite fossil for $120 didn't look for a price on the table.
I did a quick google search and I think the snail type shell were ammonites, but still not sure about the other things.
sounds like an awesome table, but based on the small item price i wouldn't look at the price tag on the table either, yikes!
i think i'll just sell cofee tables with a basin under it and glass on the top. then i'll fill it with 'special' water - ya know, the kind of water you see people paying 3$ a bottle for. i'll be selling this table for 400$ and i'll provide the 'special water' in recycled gallon milk cartons for easy transportation.
that sux about your car. unrealiable transportation has to be one of my biggest pet peaves. yeah. i've heard of cars not wanting to start when wet. usually something to do with water in the distributor, but if your car is new enough (with electronic timing) you won't have one of those.
the water is an unlikely cause of failure especially if you wern't driving in it as the hood should keep most of that water off your engine. so even though your car is drenched the engine is not. if there is water in the engine, then places I would check is air intake (your air filter) and make sure the sparkplug wires are plugged in all the way and not too old.
had your car been sitting for awhile? maybe your battery was a tad weak.
keep an eye on that thing.. dont' get yourself stranded anywhere (unless there is a hot guy with you, then it could be a bonus)
proof i'm not a mechanic. I meant to say electronic IGNITION, not electronic timing. I have yet to see a car without a timing belt. (mechanical timing)
I'm quite sure the battery was/is fine but my car will has been sitting since Sunday evening so if I go somewhere tomorrow and it doesn't start right away will know there is something not right...
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