Wednesday, August 31, 2005


Yesterday I went and got a library card at the local Auburn Library. The cool thing is that now that I am a 'metropolitan' area there are way more books/movies/what have you that are possible for me to check out. One book I got is a biography on Rosalind Franklin, I saw it at B&N before and wanted it but couldn't rationalize buying it. I need to go back to B&N to remind myself as to what books I was interested in reading. Then go to the library and get them (or request them). All the libraries in King County (the Seattle metro area) are connected so even if my library doesn't have it I can reserve it and will be able to pick it up in Auburn when it comes in. I was also happy to see they had a lot of books on CD (I have a cd player in my car) so now have the option of listening to books while commuting to and from work. I am not sure how much I will do that but I'm happy to know it is an option.

One simple but cool thing about my library card is that I got a choice of 6+ cards to chose from. Each had a different color/picture on them. I never knew of libraries to do that (at least that I remember). I know at home they have just one type and no pretty picture. The one I chose isn't a particular pretty color but I liked the picture the best than the others.

Less than a week till I start work!


Blogger Unknown said...

hey was that book
Rosalind Franklin : The Dark Lady of DNA by Brenda Maddox? i have had that on my amazon wish list as something i need to get at the library, but keep forgetting. i love big library systems... so nice to just request what you want and ohh the browsing. i've never had a pretty library card, i'm envious.

8:13 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

I like the idea of multiple card styles... well, except that a lot of times people ask when they're looking for it, "What color is it?" That would be a little trickier, but that's their problem. :)

I use AllConsuming to track the things I want to watch and see. Here's my list:

I tag things either "to read", "reading", or "completed". Eventually I'll probably post a little include in my blog to display things.

11:46 AM  
Blogger Janell said...

Jen: Yep thats the book I'm reading. Only 1/4 the way through but I am liking it. At this point she just finished college so haven't gotten to the working part of her life.

Sarah: yeah know how that is I've been in line behind people at stores that have discount cards and they ask what color it is...
I just looked at the link... and was looking at what books you have read saw "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!" and laughed. I saw that book in Walmart and read it ... it was amusing. :)
How many web page type things do you have that you keep like that?

12:26 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

thanks for the link sarah... now i have an account to. nice way to track stuff!

1:34 PM  
Blogger k2h said...

I must be the only one that doesn't like 'cards'. last time I went to the library, wich is at most 2 times a year, I asked for a library bar code to put on the back of my drivers license so I don't have to bulge my wallet with crap I never use. the lady looked at me like I was stupid and said the library card was REQUIRED, and there was a $1 lookup charge if I 'forgot' it again. I said I'd be happpy to not forget it if they made it more reasonable and gave me a sticker, but again she denied me.

2:50 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

poor keith, as a kid a library card was my ticket to the world, we were to poor to buy books. i used to walk 12 blocks to downtown Omaha with my sister during the summer just to get to the library and freedom. i can't believe my mother let me do that.. i was only in seventh or eighth grade. i rather have a dozen library cards and one credit card than the other way around

7:50 AM  

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