Friday, April 29, 2005

One Less Wasp

Our sliding glass door is having issues opening and closing. I found that if I open it from the back side down at the bottom it opens a bit easier. Well this evening I went to let Bo in and kneeled down to open the door and felt a sharp pain in the top of my foot on the bone that kinda sticks out below my big toe. My first thought was that there was a needle on the floor that stuck into me. I stood up and looked at my foot and saw (what I have now determined to be) a wasp. It was stuck in me pretty well not sure how I got it off me think just by shaking my foot – was shocking to see it there. It hurt – like I said it felt like a needle sticking in my foot. It feels fine now (two hours later), although can feel it ache a little when I think about it. I wish I had a digital camera to post a picture of it. Although I cut off its head because it was still moving. Before today I couldn’t remember the last time I was stung by something. Definitely makes me happy that I’m not allergic to their stings.

This web site shows picture of a wasp looks pretty much exactly like the one that stung me.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Three times in three days

Monday I was headed to Wal-Mart, I was just to the Post office (Some one may know the area I'm talking about so I'm being semi specific) on F street and I heard an ambulance siren behind me - I went through intersection on 6th street then pulled over... it passed me and kept going. Tues. I was in the same place but a bit further on F and headed up 7th. I turned on 7th didn't stop and pull over because the Ambulance was a ways away and had no clue which way it was going... It ended up turning on to 7th behind me, I pulled over and it went on it's way. At this point I thought it was a bit odd that this happened two days in a row. Well... as by the title - it happened again today. Was headed towards Wal-Mart again. Although this time I pulled over before it passed 6th street. All this makes me think I should see if someone is following me. :)

(For clarification and my defense, I did not block the ambulance I pulled over before it got close to me.)

Pi guy

David Tammet was on Letterman last night (Wed.). Pretty cool...

(I need to learn how to put a link in...)

Wednesday, April 20, 2005


I finally recieved my Diploma in the mail today. I am excited - I was begining to think I might have to call someone about it but now I don't have to. WW also sent a mini diploma that is laminated - it is cute - should carry it around with me but my wallet is pretty full already.

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Day with the Grandparents

Once a month my mom goes up to my grandparents (her parents) house and takes them to town for medical appointments (if necessary) and to go shopping. Since I've been home I haven't gone with her for various reasons but this time I did. Was fun despite having to get up early (for me) in the morning. Well what we did today - took my grandparents to town my Grandpa had a doctors apt. it didn't last long the rest of us waited in the car. Then we went to the grocery store I helped my grandma while shopping (got plastic bags for veggies - they were VERY high were not put there for people like her - she can't reach up very high not to mention that she isn't that tall... I did look around and see other ones lower but not as visible as the ones up high.... anyway...) I also helped her spot things she was looking for and got eggs for her while she was talking to people she knew that happened to be in the store too. We went to Bi-Mart also although only my Grandpa went in - it was his lucky # he won a free single use camera :). Went to a couple other stores. All in all was fun - it's good my mom lives close enough to visit also my uncle lives just down the road. The Grandparents are getting old and if any DMV was to renew either one of their license I'd be scared... Although they do currently both have legal ones. I just hope they really have realized they should not drive and should let others drive them - they are out in the middle of know where though - the family is hoping they will all of a sudden agree to move to town... well should stop rambling I could go on for a while am in a mood to write but wouldn't be anything exciting. So... yeah

Wednesday, April 06, 2005


By the prodding of my friend I stayed with in Portland/Vancouver I called one of the places I interviewed with. I called last Wed. exactly 2 weeks after my interview (plus a few hours). Ended up leaving a voice mail. Well I finally got a call back on Monday - they are still interviewing. Was informed I wouldn't hear anything for another 30 days - yeah - that's what they said. So... guess I'll just have to wait to hear from that job - but still gonna apply for jobs if I find other places to apply at. I am appreciative that the place called back and didn't leave my hanging especially if it's gonna still be that long.

(I think 'gonna' should be a word. I also think 'kinda' should be a word too.)