Second Day
Today went better. No mistakes. :). We learned about the automated system that runs tests. I don't know everything about it yet but some... It's good experience to have.
I tried a new way to get to I-5 today. I think it is a faster/shorter route. But traffic was evil going through Seattle due to an earlier accident involving a Semi. It almost made me late to work. Was glad it didn't.
So far the only thing I'm not enjoying about work is that I am not supposed to wear jeans to work. I have plenty pairs of khaki pants but feel like I'm wearing the same thing over every day (strange that I don't feel that way when I wear jeans every day). I think I might have to make a trip to Old Navy :).
my jeans last for 1 week. I use to try and wear new jeans each day but they dont' got overly dirty and it just makes more laundry. I'd be hard pressed (pun intended) to get that kind of life out of khakis. I fear soon i'll have to go to the dark side and dress up more. its kind of an expectation in management. on the plus side theres still some dignbats around here that where shorts and beer t-shirts so that keeps me from having to move up just yet.
corduroy... =)
i'm curious why they don't want you to wear jeans. you don't interact with customers right? maybe too many people had poorly cared for jeans...
They don't want us to wear jean because they do have people visit the lab. I don't think it happens that much but oh well...
I haven't worn corduroy pants since I waws little. I still have an aversion to them. Think it was because they were cheap and not as nice as jeans - at the time cheap was more important than anything else... so think I was scared.
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