Post Super Bowl Depression
So most people in Seattle are probably getting over their post Super Bowl depression. I had some and I know I did my share of yelling during the game (both at the players to 'go' and the refs to 'stop'). Was fun to watch it with a bunch of people all routing for the Hawks (although I know one is really a Patriots fan but they suck so...). I say they will do it next year. Matt Hasselbeck said he will do whatever it takes. Hopefully the owner Paul Allen will do the right thing about keeping key players. I'm sure he has enough money to keep them... Alexander for one, and Jurevicius another. There are a couple others but I'd be sad to see them go. My friend Melissa (with whom I watched most of the games with this season) and I want to get Tubbs jerseys. He's a defensive tackle - we mostly like him because of his name. I just looked at his stats and realized that I'm older than him. That doesn't make me feel young. :P
We have internet although my computer has yet to be connected - my roommate has a router but am thinking about getting a wireless one - any one have any input?
Other than that I have been working. Gotta keep the money coming in :). Starting in March - at latest the 11th I'm going to be starting at 7 rather than 7:30. A lot of the work is in the afternoon and since in the winter I don't want to work late on Fridays because of the Sabbath I will have the early morning shift. I think this will work out nicer. I think the traffic going both to and from work will be a bit lighter. I have yet to find out for sure. Although I did leave a bit early on Monday (or was it Tuesday?) to see if it made a difference (I think it did). Will eventually see if leaving 1/2 hour earlier will make a difference in my commute time going home. I am guessing it will. I am also guessing I will only have to leave 15 minutes earlier than I do now because when I leave on time I get to work ~15 minutes early. I'm turning into an early bird like my dad but I think if I had my choice I'd be a night owl like my mom. Go figure.
Hey! I am a Pats fan and I'll have you know that they do NOT suck! They just felt sorry for all the other teams and decided to give them a chance for once. Be grateful.;) And I was rooting for Seattle and was screaming obscenities at the ref, too. Hosers. All of them.
I use a cheap netgear router (the $30 kind from just about any store) it works fine. get one that is both 'B' and 'G' compatible. it won't cost you any more.
I was rooting for the hawks as well cause the 'other' team killed the broncos, so I defaulted to the hawks side.
I'm don't know anything about your particularly city, but around here, the 1/2 earlier would make a difference in the morning but make no difference in the afternoon.
well, no comments on superbowl, as I think football is super boring and can't handle watching for more than 5 minutes... plus no tv antenna = no watching (although I'm happy to say Kevin was just wandering around lookinng on boxes for something and found the tv antenna. we'll see if it works)
so, Kevin says buy Linksys WRT54G, the one before version 5 because you can put Linux on it. They're apparently at Wal-Mart.
although we have a d-link 524 from or - about $20.
Someone wanna send me a few links for wireless routers??? please
did you get one yet? I Have an old netgear, it does 'b' only, but I'll send it to you if you want? email me. if you want me to send it.
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