Friday, February 25, 2005


I am house/horse/dog sitting for some people this weekend. It's the first time I've done this where I actually stay at the house and the first time I've horse sat (sit set? what ever...). The house is really nice and they have dish network :). I also got permission to use dial up from the house to - so I have all the amenities of home - except they don't get animal planet :( and I haven't connected over 28.8 Kbps where at home I can get 52. Life goes on. So taking care of the horses is not bad - I want one or two :). Although I know it wouldn't be as easy having to go pick up pucky in the rain. But other than that all I have to do is feed them and open and close the fences twice a day. I did get up earlier than I usually do although thanks to the time schedule of Keith and Jen I had gotten back to a more normal persons schedule. I just hope the horses and dog keep being normal and nothing goes wrong. This afternoon I'll see if I can't get them to come back up to the barn so I can groom them. :) I live horse dirt under my fingernails.


Blogger Unknown said...

i love horse dirt under my fingernails too! i'm envious.
do you have grain to lure them back or are they supposed to come on their own accord?

12:56 PM  
Blogger forkev said...

normal schedule?
that blows. sleeping till 2pm is where it's at.

6:34 PM  
Blogger Janell said...

I didn't have to lure then but in a way I tricked them - I went just before dinner time so they were expecting to be fed.
One horse is shedding like crazy - she is part shire (if I'm correctly recalling what they said) - she's huge. I groomed her first then went to the other which seemed like a pony in comparison.

I don't think I've ever slept till 2 pm... except maybe if I was sick. 9 was my normal wake up time.

9:53 PM  

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