I am house/horse/dog sitting for some people this weekend. It's the first time I've done this where I actually stay at the house and the first time I've horse sat (sit set? what ever...). The house is really nice and they have dish network :). I also got permission to use dial up from the house to - so I have all the amenities of home - except they don't get animal planet :( and I haven't connected over 28.8 Kbps where at home I can get 52. Life goes on. So taking care of the horses is not bad - I want one or two :). Although I know it wouldn't be as easy having to go pick up pucky in the rain. But other than that all I have to do is feed them and open and close the fences twice a day. I did get up earlier than I usually do although thanks to the time schedule of Keith and Jen I had gotten back to a more normal persons schedule. I just hope the horses and dog keep being normal and nothing goes wrong. This afternoon I'll see if I can't get them to come back up to the barn so I can groom them. :) I live horse dirt under my fingernails.
i love horse dirt under my fingernails too! i'm envious.
do you have grain to lure them back or are they supposed to come on their own accord?
normal schedule?
that blows. sleeping till 2pm is where it's at.
I didn't have to lure then but in a way I tricked them - I went just before dinner time so they were expecting to be fed.
One horse is shedding like crazy - she is part shire (if I'm correctly recalling what they said) - she's huge. I groomed her first then went to the other which seemed like a pony in comparison.
I don't think I've ever slept till 2 pm... except maybe if I was sick. 9 was my normal wake up time.
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