Monday, March 28, 2005

Alumni Weekend

So this next weekend is alumni weekend at Milo - they are celebrating 50 years... that seems to be the focus of the weekend which in itself is ok but my brother's 10 year is this year too - if I was that class and if it does turn out that the normally honored classes are over looked I'd not be pleased. But from what I saw from the schedule it probably won't be much different from a normal alumni weekend - still time for classes to visit and they still have certain class photos. So since it is my brothers 10 year reunion he along with his wife are coming for the weekend. Should be cool but does mean I'll have to sleep in a different room. I could try to clean out my old room enough to get to the bed but.... So will probably sleep on the couch for a few nights.

A while ago - month or so - my mom warned me about having to vacate the 'guest' room but my response was that I hoped to be somewhere working by then. Well... didn't happen. I looked for more jobs today and applied for a few. woo hoo it's like playing the lottery except cheaper.


Blogger k2h said...

.its like playing the lotto.......
except the payout is statistcly much larger to get a job! =)

my MOM went to milo for reunion this weekend. i'm SURE she will look for you if she konws you are there (since she networks so much) so either lay low, or get it over with quick.

6:48 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

hahaha... that's funny. i was im janell yesterday and she said she did run into k2h's mom. and k2h's mom was sure to let it be known that i now have a cell phone.

8:49 AM  
Blogger k2h said...

thats great.. we might as well post the number on the blog

4:05 PM  
Blogger Janell said...

:) he I could post the # if you want - haha.

I actually recognized K2Hs' dad this time - he shaved.

Was fun to go to Milo though - saw 4 people from my class. One for sure I know wasn't at my 5th year so was extra exciting. 2 more years and it will be my 10th - eesh I hope REALLY hope I have a job by then. ;)

11:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

you think it is hard getting work at your age....wait till you are over 60... talk about feeling completely useless and untalented....i am not leaving my part time job until i know i have something better, my sister who is 3 years younger... ie not 60 yet... with a masters in education (elementary administration) can't find a job in the area where her kids are... she lives 2 weeks in one son's house and 2 weeks in the other son's house.

6:46 PM  

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